Things to Know About Caring for a Dying Loved One

The Most Difficult Moments of Final Days

For many with loved ones that succumb to age related illness and other ailments, the final months of palliative care can be a particularly stressful time. Although the experience is different for every family, periods of frustration, anxiety, and emotional strain are an inevitable part of an enduring hardship. Resources both online, through professionals, and through your preferred funeral home in Orlando can provide you with the knowledge and support required for end of life care. 

Make Preparations Early

Orlando funeral homes offer pre-planned funerary options not only to alleviate the financial burdens of the end of life care but also to relieve families of much of the emotional burden that comes with a loss. The moment that you and your loved ones begin an open and honest discussion of a painful fact is the moment that the healing process is already begun. Do not be afraid to hold frequent conversations on the topic of death, especially when the possibility is distant enough to be considered rationally and calmly. Too often, families that wait until the last possible moment to consider treatment options, estate planning, Orlando cremation services, burials, and other important details are too grieved and overwhelmed to make the best choices. 

Clear communication of a person’s final wishes is absolutely crucial, especially when pain, immobility, or mental deterioration are hindering the final days. For every possible detail, have something established in writing so there will be no confusion or disagreement as to what steps to follow. Living wills, trusts, executors of the estate, and choice of funeral home in Orlando are all aspects that can be formally addressed through an attorney or with many available free online resources.

Know What to Expect

Be ready to discuss all future possibilities with doctors and lawyers. End of life care involves a series of drastic emotional and physical changes that can be difficult to manage without a thorough understanding of what to expect. It is important to learn and know how best to treat pain and severe symptoms at a time when it may seem that little can be done. Again, early and frequent discussions will prepare you to competent respond to any needs of your dying loved one.

Make Time for the Important Talk

Author Bronnie Ware shared a famously detailed account of her memoirs as a palliative nurse, in which she listed the 5 most common regrets of dying patients.

The top 5 regrets she shares are:

  • “I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself.”
  • “I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.”
  • “I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.”
  • “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.”
  • “I wish I had let myself be happier.”

Now more than ever, it is important as a caregiver to be open, present, and loving. Talking and listening to our loved ones in their final moments is possibly one of the greatest gifts when can offer them. Use this time to create memories, laugh, and ask questions before it is too late.

Care for the Caregivers

When the emotional toll seems at its worse, do not be afraid to reach out for support. Whether through support groups, your local Orlando funeral home, clergy, family, or community, take advantage of whatever resources there are to provide the strength you need.