Cecilia Coronado (July 26, 1924 - December 22, 2012)

In loving memory of
Cecilia Coronado
  • July 26, 1924
  • -
  • December 22, 2012

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  1. Francis says:
    06 Jan 2013
    I have asked myself that qiotsuen too so I did a little checking and I found out some information, for some cemetaries the use the stocked body solution some the cremation but what I found more interesting is that there taking existing land that belong formally to home owners and turning them in to cemetary land. I know here in California we have had plenty of scandal over the years about that and rest assure that is the qiotsuen that is constantly being asked is where do the bodies go? In the cemetary my mom is buried at they have redeveloped land that was formally from owners who they have bought the land from and turned it into part of the cemetary which now the place where my mother is at has lots of land there, we were fortunate that we got a new portion of the land before most of the land was taken because there are people dying every 24 seconds and that is true..But next time check your local cemetaries and see how much land they have left and check if they plan to redevelop land for that purpose I did and I was glad I did!

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