Dr. Christopher Alden Tidwell passed away in his apartment after numerous health issues and was found on Wednesday, November 18, 2015. He was born July 3, 1965 in Clarksville, Tennessee of Douglas and Anita Tidwell. Chris had a life-long love of literature and determined early to follow his parents’ footsteps in collegiate education. Chris was a tenured professor at Hillsborough Community College where he taught English Literature and Poetry, and was an Honors Instructor for the last 4 years. He received his Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of the South at Sewanee in Sewanee, Tennessee. His Master of Arts in English was from the University of Florida in Gainesville, Florida, and his Ph.D. in English was awarded in 2006 from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida.
Chris was an avid grower of succulents (cacti) and has served as President of the Central Florida Cactus and Succulent Society. He was also very involved in the ministry of St. Catherine of Alexandria Episcopal Church in Temple Terrace, Florida, where he was a Lay Eucharistic Minister responsible for reading scripture and helping administer Communion during services. He worked with many other ministries of the church, and was always willing to step in where needed.
Chris loved strategy games and built many lifelong friendships over various gameboards. Some of his favorite memories were of all night gaming sessions with good friends. He also loved writing poetry, often giving original works to friends and family.
Chris is preceded in death by his father, Douglas Tidwell. Chris is survived by his mother, Anita Ryall, stepfather Anthony, sister Alycia McKinney, and nieces and nephew. In addition, his Aunt Jeannine Oakes and cousins Ken and David Oakes reside in Tennessee. Memorial services will be held at First Baptist Church of Pine Castle in Orlando, Florida at 2:00 PM on Thursday, December 10th. In lieu of flowers, contributions should be made to St. Catherine of Alexandria Episcopal Church at 502 Druid Hills Rd., Temple Terrace, Fl 33617 (
Dr. Christopher Tidwell was the type of college professor that could read Old English loudly and beautifully. He taught 3-4 classes a day, 5 days a week with an auditorium full of students, learned ALL of their names and asked you questions during lecture. He used the Socratic method, encouraged self analyzation of the work and guided you to the probable meaning of the work. So even if you were way off the mark, you never felt stupid in a class full of your peers. He empowered your learning. You could feel how much passion he had for teaching and language because every lecture felt like it was the first time he was telling you about these great writers. He didn't believe in the easy way to test your knowledge in literature. No multiple choice tests for his class. You had to identify the work by name, author, and interpret the piece to get an A on the final exam.
I took two semesters with him during my prerequisite race for nursing school and I wish I could be in his class again.
Chris was a champion to anyone seeking light. Identifying with the underdog, he took great pleasure in sharing insights that could change a person's life. It seemed to me that he invited others to join him at the reigns as he piloted the Sun through it's pathway in the sky.
I only heard of his passing today, nearly 10 months too late to come see my friend one last time. I am devastated. Good-bye Chris. You were my friend, my brother and my mentor. I promise you that the light of your words and deeds will live on in my stories. You will not be forgotten as long as I yet draw breath on this silly planet!
Good Journey My Friend
We only talked every 2 or 3 months, but it was always a great talk that brought us back to yesterday and then back around to everything today. It wasn't an easy thing to hear of your passing and my best thoughts are with your family and those that were part of your everyday that are missing you now.
You'll always be remembered, from the way you saw things to the way you laughed. You were the literary warrior of our time and a friend that will be greatly missed.
Valerie, Annie and Sophia
For those in our society that didn't get to work with Chris at our sales you missed getting to know a wonderful soul. He kept us entertained with jokes, of course, but also with verses of poetry and literature...and song. Recently on a slow afternoon he started singing "If I only had a Brain". A very fine rendition which garnered an applause from me...his audience of one.
My prayer go out to his family and all who cared about him.
When I First Met My Uncle
Photo of my Big Brother
Charlie Jimenez
English Instructor
HCC Brandon
Your friend forever, Jan
The call from Mother dear.
The one that said, “He won't answer the phone,
“Uncle Chris may not still be here.”
“Please pray for Uncle Chris,” I said
To my sister sitting there,
Her furrowed brow confirmed to me
Her effort not to despair.
We both knew he'd been sickly,
And he'd been worse just of late.
But he's s'posed to come on Thursday, I thought,
Thanksgiving will be great.
I went through all the motions
Of a typical Wednesday night,
Unable to deny my heart,
Which was pattering with fright.
God, keep him safe, I pleaded,
A heavy feeling in my chest,
Of all the uncles that I have,
He's the one I know the best.
I sat down at the computer,
And my phone began to ring,
Oh, no, I thought, it's Mom again,
We don't need another thing.
“Uncle Chris is dead.” My brother's voice
Was as thick as my head seemed.
It can't be, I thought. I told myself,
This must all be a dream.
Today we looked at urns again.
I found the perfect one.
Shaped like a book; I thought of him,
And all that he had done.
He always asked about school on holidays,
The last thing we thought about.
“How're your grades?” He'd always say,
Which made us want to shout.
But he took us to the arcade,
To the zoo, and to the park.
He never asked what it would cost,
Or made a cruel remark.
He played all kinds of games with us,
Even when we'd rather not.
His laugh was quite infectious,
And we'd hear the same old stories – a lot.
He got a blanket every Christmas,
'Cause somehow he was always cold,
And to me he never appeared to age,
It seemed he would never grow old.
I'll miss him every time I think,
We don't need an extra chair,
Don't get another napkin or plate,
And no more silverware.
There'll be no Mountain Dew for him,
Special for this night,
No more same old stories again and again,
No more poems for him to write.
So I say goodbye to my Uncle Chris,
Or rather, goodbye for now.
For I know I'll see you again someday,
And at Jesus' feet we'll bow.
~ A tribute to my uncle, from his niece Abby
Are hearts are heavy with sorrow for you. There are so many memories we have of when Chris and Alycia were growing up and we parked ourselves at your house. We babysat for them, played with them at rehearsals, and generally, loved them. Christopher was always SO smart and loved to read. To become an English professor was truly his destination. He was curious, inquisitive and determined. I remember how he always loved Dungeons and Dragons. He tried to teach me once but it was way over my head, I'm thankful to have watched him grow up. His students are thankful for the role he played in their lives. We are praying for your peace and comfort. We love you very much.
Our hearts are full of sorrow for you. We were so blessed to have you as our teacher and, in turn, you shared your children with us. I remember all the times we came to your house and played with Chris and Alycia and just hung out. We visited even after you moved to Florida and they continued to thrive. Christopher was SO smart. He was curious, inquisitive, and creative. I know he was an awesome teacher because he had awesome teachers. We are lifting you up in love and sorrow and praying for comfort for all of you.
Before I was born he “knew” I was his little sister. He asked God for me and had total faith that I was a girl. My parents said, “But what if it's a boy? Wouldn't you like to have a little brother?” With conviction Chris said, “No, I'm getting a sister.” and that was that. My parents were concerned that if I came out a boy that he would reject me, but Chris never wavered in his belief that I would be the sister he'd asked for. I'm told (and there are photos) of when I was a baby, that Chris would bring me toys when I was in my playpen and I would toss them out one by one just so that Chris would gather them up and return them to the playpen. Then we'd start all over again and again and again. He was always patient...with me. He would read to me and read to me and read to me whether I wanted him to or not. He patiently taught me about words and music, how to play games, build forts and do multiplication. He also taught me about loyalty, creativity and unconditional love.
Even though four years separated us, he never treated me like a “pesky tag-along.” Instead, he made me a part of his gang of friends. I was always made to feel like a valued member of his posse. He was the only person on the planet who fully understood how I felt when our parents divorced, when they each remarried, when we moved and moved and moved again. Or when we went from the college-run private school for professors' kids where we were dropped off and picked up every day by a parent to the urban, inner-city school having to ride the scary yellow bus where girls had to sit on one side of the aisle and boys on the other. And then later when he would walk me to elementary school and then go next door to the junior high. There were times when I would have an asthma attack on the walk home from school. He would run to my rescue and carry me home, then he would tend to me til mom got there. I remember Halloweens where I was sick and he went “trick or treating,” gathering candy just for me. I would always cringe in school when I would meet a new teacher and they would say “Oh, your Chris' little sister!” because I rarely met those teachers' expectations. You see, he was really, really smart. He loved learning and school (as evidenced by his almost 50 years spent attending one or teaching at one.) I, on the other hand, didn't love learning anything that didn't serve a purpose in my everyday life and I had to work really, really hard to do well in school.
I was devastated when he left for college, where he met new people and had grand adventures without me! It wasn't til I was married and starting a family that I truly forgave him for that. He was one of the first people to the hospital to “meet” his nieces and nephew. He'd hold them and introduce himself and speak to them about the fun they would have together when they were older... And they did! Uncle Chris always meant fun because he would read to them, play games with them and tell them stories about their mom that only he could tell. He treated us all to the Lowry Park Zoo, the MOSI and the amazing 3 story Arcade. He took them on adventures just like he'd always done for me. To say I'll miss him is a gross understatement! My only comfort at this time is that we both know Jesus as our Savior and I know that Chris went to his eternal home where some day we'll be reunited.
“But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus... Therefore comfort one another with these words.”
1 Thessalonians 4:13-14, 18
You and your family are in my prayers tonight. May God bless and keep you and your family in his sheltering arms during your time of grief.
Steve Johns
HCC ID Photo
Always Your Friend,
This is my tribute to my friend.
May you enjoy your "Mingling Incantations" with Hart Crane.
I hope you have "found Heaven with the tortoise and the hare" (Crane).
I enjoyed being your peer, and I will miss your wit, humor and good spirit.