David Clark Leete (August 16, 1941 - November 27, 2024)

In loving memory of
David Clark Leete
  • August 16, 1941
  • -
  • November 27, 2024

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David Clark Leete was 83 years old when he passed peacefully at home on November 27, 2024.  He was born August 16, 1941, and raised in Daytona Beach, Florida by Mary Clark and David Arthur Leete. He became a widower two years ago after the loss of his beloved wife of 59 years, Diane.  He is survived by his daughter, Michelle D Leete, son, David A Leete and Brother Robert S Leete. David attended local grade schools and graduated from Seabreeze High School in 1959 (Go Fighting Sandcrabs).  He is a proud alumni of The University of Florida, (Go Gators) where he met his wife and graduated with the degree in Architecture in 1965. David and Diane settled in Daytona Beach, where he followed in the footsteps of his father and worked at his side as an architect in Daytona Beach.

He was Dad of the Year every year for being present in his children’s lives, assisted coaching in youth sports, and was always ready to lend a hand in any activities as well as being a Father Lopez High School board member.

He was generous with his talent and his time and did plenty of pro bono work for schools, institutions and area houses of worship. He created hotels, condos, offices, houses, malls/stores, restaurants, and did many historical renovations.

He was a member of the Jaycees and was acting president, district president, second vice president and Jaycee key man of the year. He was acting chairman or director of various civic organizations and clubs, including the Jaycees, Kiwanis, and was a member of the Architectural Institute of America.

He received multiple awards, recognitions, and thanks for all he donated. He was a devoted, protecting and loving husband and father, who will be remembered as a kind, funny, generous and smart man with an honorable nature and a huge heart. He helped others no matter who or what their circumstances were.

We will be hosting a Celebration of Life (He wanted a party) to be held at his home at 1136 Bradenton Rd, Daytona Beach FL on December 28, 2024, at 1:00pm until the music stops!


Celebration of Life
1136 Bradenton Rd, Daytona Beach FL 32114

Date & Time:
December 28, 2024 at 1:00 PM

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