Douglas S. French of Ormond Beach died on Tuesday, August 3, 201o. A memorial mass will be held 1:00 PM, Saturday, August 7, 2010 at Prince of Peace Catholic Church, 600 S. Nova Road, Ormond Beach. Doug was born in Buffalo, NY and raised in Elmira where he graduated from High School. After college he lived in Miami for 16 years. While there he was the advertising manager for Cities Service Oil Company and was also branch manager for Ryder Truck Rental. In Miami, he acquired his commercial Pilots license with an instrument rating.
Doug graduated from Florida State University and was a member of Lamda Chi Alpha Fraternity as well as Gold Key Leadership honorary. He also served as chairman of men’s judiciary. He was on the varsity baseball team and played in the College World Series. Doug served as the president of the Miami-Dade Florida State University Alumni Association. In Ormond Beach he was a member of the FSU boasters club and a former member of the Lions Club. At the time of his death, Doug was employed by Thompson Pump and Manufacturing Company. His position was that of Vice President of Business Development and Asset Management.
He had been with the Company for 23 years. Doug is survived by his wife, Elaine and two sons, D.J. and Ned (Sabrina), his brother Ron of Chicago and nieces, Debbie and Whitney and their daughters.
In lieu of flowers the family suggests memorial contributions be made to Hospice of Volusia/Flagler, 3800 Woodbrair Trail, Port Orange, 32128 or to a charity of your choice.
1:00PM at Prince of Peace Catholic Church 600 S. Nova Road Ormond Beach, FL 32174 on August 7, 2010 (map/driving directions)
everyone's best friend.
Seeing Doug at FSU football games in the Fall and playing golf in the FSU Baseball Alumni were highlights of each year. Roy Bickford said it best in his message of the fun and laughter that always occurred.
Danny Litwhiler, his baseball coach at FSU sends his thoughts and prayers. He said when I talked to him, that Doug was one of hs favorite players and a joy to have on your team. He remembers vividly his former pllayers and big league days. For those who know Danny, he lives in Oldsdmar, FL., phone 727-726-3073. He will be 94 this month but still loves to talk baseball.
I knew Doug as a teammate, coach and friend for which I consider myself lucky.
Ernie Lanford
My paryers go out to all of Pinky's family.
My sympathies to his family.
GOD bless him and his, now and forever more.
Doug and I coached together for several years, or I should more correctly say that Doug allowed me to coach with him. I enjoyed all the time we spent doing that and enjoyed equally the time with DJ, Ned and Elaine. Such a great family. Doug and I were so entusiastic about baseball. With sons on the team, Doug would intervene when I clashed with my boy Brian and I in turn when Doug and his boys didn't see eye to eye. (The boys always thought they knew more than we did and probably so.)
Doug, my life was far better because of the time we spent together and I will always appreciate the fact that long after we finished coaching together we still made it a point to get togther or speak on the phone.
I will miss just knowing you're not there.
God's love and blessings to you Doug and Elaine, DJ and Ned.
Jim F
Laughter and Memories. Boy, did we share laughter. I don't believe we ever got through a conversation without one or the other and sometimes both convulsing in Laughter. Doug's sense of Humor was contagious as was his laughter.
Doug was a true friend in every sense of the word. He would do anything for you.
Doug loved his Seminoles. He was an outstanding athlete. He was an integral member of Coach Danny Litwiler's Seminole Baseball team in the early 60s. I am sure it was no accident that his sons followed suit. Both excelling in sports and both having distinguihed themselves in college and beyond.
A gentleman with the courage of his convictions, and a true friend has passed. He will not be forgotten.
All who truly knew him - loved him.
I loved Doug French and will dearly miss him.
Your the Best Doug,
Roy Bickford
Mike DeVane
To: The French Family
My pal, Doug French.
August 5, 2010.
I was advised today that my dear friend Doug had passed away on Tuesday, August 3, 2010. I am saddened and stunned.
Doug and I were classmates at Florida State University. He played baseball there and was a proud member of Lamda Chi Alpha fraternity.
Later after graduation, we both migrated to South Florida which happened to be my home, but Doug was from Elmira New York.
Doug became my first son's little league coach which he undertook with a great deal of pride and enthusiasm. One day one of the player's father was being obnoxious in the stands and began harassing Doug for his not playing his son more often.
Needless to say, Doug faced off with the man who was very much larger then Doug and told him to sit his butt down or his son would be thrown off the team. This was not Doug's typical behavior as he was very well controlled and diplomatic in all of this dealings with others, but it left an impression on the young team members at the time that Doug would not let anyone "mess" with him or his team.
This exemplified Doug's leadership qualities which followed him into his business career which was marked with hard work, loyalty and non compromising ethics.
Later, I had the opportunity to introduce Doug to the transportation industry and was instrumental in having him hired as a sales executive and branch manager with Ryder System.
I wanted so much for Doug to advance within the hierarchy of management that I sponsored him to be promoted if he agreed to move to Ottawa, Canada. This move created alot of "yuks" by Doug's friends because I was sponsoring him for a position out of the country so he could possibility have another title etched on his business card.
The moral of this story is that I would have sponsored Doug for any position without reservation within this fortune 500 company knowing of his honesty, work ethic and his tremendous heart and dedication to any task he was involved with.
Later I moved to Atlanta and Doug moved to Ormond Beach, Florida but we stayed in touch on a weekly basis.
Of course our emails to each other centered a lot around his very conservative political view points versus my more liberal outlook which prompted him referring to me as a "commie pinko." during our political debates.
I cherished those debates with Doug and now that he has passed on, I will not only miss him but will miss his unwavering loyalty to the conservative party in our nation.
Doug on one of his many road trips for the Thompson Pump Company had landed in Atlanta and I had him to my home for the evening. It was such a great time. My long term domestic partner Ly Te, is Chinese and she cooked him a great Asian meal with all the side dishes.
Doug loved that evening and spent hours quizzing Ly on how she got out of Cambodia during the war and all the atrocities that embraced that subject. That was the last time I saw Doug which was in 2005.
I am confident that Doug is now dancing with the angels and there is no doubt in my mind that he is the finest, most ethical, most honest, most genuine person I have ever known in my lifetime.
I love you Doug and will surely miss you.
Joel Lanken
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. May you turn to God for comfort during the coming days and to your heart for the wonderful memories you will always have.
With love and prayers
Jay and Barb Van Rhee