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11 Jul 2014What a great person. He will be missed.
09 Jul 2014I worked with Jamie at Bert Fish. We both loved our Dachshunds and loved talking about them. Jamie was such a nice person, really intelligent, and funny. He is so missed by everyone at Bert Fish. Jamie and I talked a lot about God also and I know I will be seeing him again. He was going to bring Bruno over to play in my yard with my dachshunds but we never got around to it. See you later Jamie, miss you. If you see my Auggie Doggie up there give him a belly rub for me. Love you Jamie.
09 Jul 2014It was truely an honor to call Jamie my friend. He was one of the few people that I knew who could intelligently discuss politics, religion, world news, and pop culture. Visits and chats with him were one of the things I looked forward to when in FL. He and his family are in my prayers and I hope to see him again when my time is done here.
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