John was born Onnig Haroutune Pekmezian and changed it legally to John Harry Peck or John H.
Peck. He was born in modern Edirne, Turkey near the borders of Greece and Bulgaria, in a region called Turkish Thessaly; called Adrianople during the Ottoman Empire. (Google "Edirne" -the Wikipedia article is really interestmg and has pictures)
John was born to Haroutune and Prapion Pekmezian. Although he was born in Edirne, the family called Marsovan (modern Merzifon) home. Marsovan is near the Black Sea coast of Turkey; nearest coastal town is Samsun.
Haroutune (HAR-oo-tyoun) was a teacher and principal of orphanages and translator during the Genocide. In this country he travelled extensively representing the Near East Relief. Prapion (PRA.-pee-ohn) was a surgical nurse before marriage. Both parents received their formal education at schools established by American missionaries in Turkey.
He served in the United States Army as a 2nd Lieutenant during WW II. He later worked as a printer owning his own business in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In retirement he enjoyed fishing, painting and was a member of Servants Quarters Fellowship. John was also acitve at the Coronado Shuffleboard Club.
He leaves to cherish his memory his wife Betty R Peck, children Jack Harry Peck, Joyce Fredman, four grandchildren, two great grandchildren and step children Jan Hawver, Judy Schuster, David Reichenberg, eight step grandchildren and 19 great step grandchildren.
Memorial donations are requested to Servants Quarters Fellowship 1402 Sabal Palm Drive Edgewater FL 32141.
Life Celebration will be 11:00 AM Sunday, April 17, 2011 at New Smyrna Beach Middle School Auditorium with The Reverend David Starkey of Servants' Quarters Fellowship officiating.
cards with him and wife Betty. We have been missing you, John and
know you are at peace now. You had a great mind! Loving you,
Helena Concannon Petrocci and Tony Petrocci.
Our girls, Eryn and Christina, really loved spending time with him. Eryn loved to sing with him and Chrissy liked baking him oatmeal cookies. We love you Papa John :)