Joseph Robert “Bob” Sungenis (June 07, 1927 - June 05, 2022)

In loving memory of
Joseph Robert “Bob” Sungenis
  • June 07, 1927
  • -
  • June 05, 2022

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Joseph Robert “Bob” Sungenis, age 94, passed away on Sunday June 5, 2022 after an extremely long illness.  His last days were at Halifax Hospice, Ormond Beach, FL.  Bob was born in Bridgeton, NJ, June 7, 1927.  His parents were Joseph Sungenis and Angela Sungenis.  His father was born in Italy and Bob was so proud to be first generation American in his family.  However, he never wanted anyone to forget his Italian roots.

Bob was very patriotic and proud of his service in the Navy during World War II and the Korean War.

Bob was a graduate of the University of Maryland and great supporter of, and went to almost every football and basketball game held there for years.  He insisted all activities had to be scheduled around a time so he did not miss a single game after moving to the Daytona area in 1995.  He had many interests that he participated in and loved playing golf at Prestwick, playing bridge, horse racing, the challenges of financial groups, reading 3 or 4 books a week, and dinner parties with lots of friends and really good wine.

Bob retired in 1993 after 44 years of distinguished service which he regarded as service to his country.  Through the years he had many organizational and managerial challenging positions.  The most of his career was spent at the Department of Defense, Pentagon, Washington, D. C.  He retired as Director of Information, Operations and Reports, Washington Headquarters Services.  His Military Manpower Information Division produced worldwide reports on locations and assignments of military members and their dependents worldwide. That Division, among many other duties, maintained casualty records of all military personnel.  Procurement Economic Information Division produced reports and information on all purchases by the DOD worldwide for the use of budging and personnel allocations of Federal organizations, the White House, Congress and for use by the public.  He testified before Congress on information and operations produced by his office.   An extremely challenging project was to produce an accurate listing of the names of over 58,000 military casualties which were to be engraved on the Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial in Washington, D. C.  It was a project that he dedicated a lot of time and effort to. The accuracy of names of the casualties and the heart ache of survivors if their loved one’s name was not included was paramount in his efforts.  He challenged his staff to check, double check and triple check each and every name.  He was honored and celebrated for his dedication at the opening ceremony of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D. C., November 1982.  Among many important tasks Bob had was as a result of DOD Inspector General investigating the mismanagement of a technology organization in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.  Top DOD officials handed this project over to Bob to fix.  It took a year, and the new organization and its success, Bob set up, was documented and cited for outstanding achievements in the final Inspector General’s Report.  Bob was also at the Senior Executive Service level.  As a senior member of the Senior Executive Service his civil service status was that of a 4 star General.

Bob specifically requested that no services be held.  His interment will be held with Eternal Reefs and burial at sea.

“God bless and please rest in eternal peace until we meet again with our Heavenly Father” – your loving wife Sandy.

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  1. Teresa A. Bohan says:
    04 May 2023
    As a very impressive leader, I know he is now in Heaven and at peace.

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