Baldwin Brothers Cremation Society would like to extend their sincerest condolences to the family and friends of Kelly Rodden who passed away on August 9, 2023.
The obituary will be available shortly.
The obituary will be available shortly.
Office Christmas shenanigans
Fun times with Kelly
I can't quite believe that you are gone...I keep referring back to this death notice and can't quite wrap my head around your passing. Like everybody here, who has posted their condolences, I cannot believe that your fight ended so soon--I remember you saying emphatically that you were going to fight this and beat it! Given your tenacity and upbeat attitude, I wrongly assumed I had plenty of time to come visit you. And I tried to contact you numerous times in July and only got your voicemail, which was full, and my texts were left unanswered. Last time I spoke to you in early July, the hospital had planned to send you home with a nurse. I wasn't sure what that meant, and maybe you didn't know either. But when I saw the date of your passing, I had to do a double-take--it was the same day that your beloved sister, Char, passed just four years earlier. I can only imagine that you saw her and she summoned you to join her. This imagining brings me some comfort as I know how much you missed her. Sweet dreams, my dear friend! I will miss you forever.
many happy memories. You have made a great impact on my life. You are most unique and loving person I have ever met. I will miss laughing with you most. I know that we will meet again in heaven one fine day. What a family reunion that will be. Love you forever, Denise
Atlantic City NJ
Your my favorite person
“Prank War Champion “ for life the love you showed me
Everyday is irreplaceable and the light you've shown still shines bright! So spread those wings and soar my friend I cant wait until we meet again to hear that laugh 143