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30 Sep 2014My heart is with you this day and all others as you hold in loving memory your precious Lee. May you find comfort in the promise the Bible holds out of holding him in your arms again soon... -Acts 24:15 John 5:28, 29 Psalms 37:11, 29 Revelation 21:3, 4- You hold my deepest empathies... today and until he is in your arms again....www.jw.org
12 Sep 2014Rest in peace Lee We all miss you and love you at georges!
12 Sep 2014Both my husband, and I mourn the loss of Lee. He loved us both and told us so on many occasions. Two weeks before he passed away, he told me so and to tell his father he loved him and I on facebook. His heart was made of gold. We both loved him very much, his father Herb, and me, Catherine. I felt as part of the family through him, as well as the rest of the family.
11 Sep 2014Our thoughts and prayers are with Lisa, Nam, Lam and Herb during this difficult time. Rest in peace, Lee. With love, Celia and Graig
11 Sep 2014All our love , rest peacefully
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