Lyle Mathison (June 08, 1927 - December 20, 2023)

In loving memory of
Lyle Mathison
  • June 08, 1927
  • -
  • December 20, 2023

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Lyle Roger Mathison, 96, of The Villages, FL went to be with Jesus on December 20, 2023. He was born in Harmony, MN and came to The Villages, FL in 2001 from Ft. Lauderdale, FL.  where he lived for 50 years. He was a carpenter by trade and had a gift for custom woodworking and eventually co-owned a custom woodworking shop in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. He was a loving husband, father and grandfather. Outside of his passion for woodworking, he loved dancing, music, helping at church, socializing with friends and teasing with a twinkle in his eye. He was a good provider, protector, and a faithful servant to his Lord.  He was preceded in death by his wife of 68 years, Donna, his daughter, Cheryl Brennan, his sister Anna Marie Roche and his brother James Mathison.  He is survived by his children Ronald (Margaret) Mathison of Port St. Lucie,  Roger Mathison of Poulsbo, WA,  Jenny (Paul) Mudgett of Bartow, FL;  Five grandchildren, Shelly Schmucker, Sean Mathison, Alan Mathison, Christopher Brennan and Gabrielle Mathison. Five great grandchildren, Peyton Mathison, Shay and Rowan Mathison, Charlotte and Freddy Schmucker.

Services will be held at Baldwin Brothers Funeral Home located at 3990 E SR 44 #105 Wildwood, FL 9-11am. Immediately following the service there will be a precession to Florida National Cemetery located at 6502 SW 102nd Ave Bushnell, FL 33513 for a Graveside Service. 


Date & Time:
December 28, 2023 at 9:00 AM

Florida National

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  1. Bernadette Olson says:
    28 Dec 2023
    He was a wonderful role model of a Gentle, loving, kind man, and so much more.

  2. Heather Hart says:
    28 Dec 2023
    Rest easy, rest peaceful and keep your family amongst your wings

  3. Heather Hart says:
    28 Dec 2023
    Rest easy, rest peaceful and keep your family within your wings

  4. Terry Tipton says:
    27 Dec 2023
    Having grown up four doors down from the Mathison household, I consider them family. Lyle was the most gentle man I’ve known. I never heard him raise his voice, never say a bad word about anyone. He was a friend to all. He was a wonderful caregiver to Donna. I cherish the visits that we made to their home at Christmas when they moved from the neighborhood and our visits to The Villages for our 7th Terrace Reunions. They were always so welcoming.
    Lyle is now at peace and with his beloved Donna and Cheri.
    Well done, Faithful Servant. We will truly miss you. ❤️

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