Marjorie Ann Hayre (February 09, 1959 - December 04, 2014)

In loving memory of
Marjorie Ann Hayre
  • February 09, 1959
  • -
  • December 04, 2014

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Memorial Service at Blessed Trinity , December 20, 2014 at 1:00pm

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  1. Shelley Renee DeBoard lit a candle:
    11 May 2024
    Lit since May 11, 2024 at 5:41:29 PM

  2. Diane Jones says:
    19 Dec 2014
    They say..."one is never really gone as long as their memory is alive". I didn't have the pleasure of being around Margie often as an adult, but I do have fond memories of her from various times in our lives. She had such a dynamic personality and a wonderfully powerful presence - it makes me smile to remember the effect she always had on me. What a unique and special person she was. It is very difficult to see Dad so sad at the loss of his sister, as are the rest of the Doubleday family. Much love, prayers, and deepest sympathies go out to all those who are mourning the loss of Margie. She'll never be forgotten.

  3. David Paxton says:
    10 Dec 2014
    John, I am terribly sorry for your loss. May the sadness you feel be replaced by remembering the good times shared.

  4. Karen Doubleday says:
    10 Dec 2014
    My sincere heartfelt condolences to John, Bonnie, Beverly and dad and all the other close family members who grieve for Margie. Fond memories are always near and dear.

  5. Rachel "Sissie" Doubleday says:
    10 Dec 2014
    John, I'm already missing the many phone calls with Margie. I know there are no words, but we are thinking about you and letting you know our hearts are heavy. She's gone too soon, but fond memories will live on.

  6. Richard Doubleday says:
    10 Dec 2014
    I'm mourning with the rest of my family and my little sister Margie will be forever missed.

  7. Linda Joyce says:
    07 Dec 2014
    Hard to believe you are gone. You were so strong that I thought you would go forever. I know in my heart you are most happy now in the arms of Jesus and with your mom, dad and my mom - your sister. I love you and do think of you often. Please watch over me from above. Prayers for John that he gets through this as I know he is hurting terribly.

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