Martin Willard Montgomery, 1942-2022
The sport of weightlifting lost a world champion on Feb. 8, 2022. Martin deadlifted 505 lbs. when he was in the 60-64 age group at 165 lbs., a world record that still stands. Martin was a medical miracle as he competed many years in retirement with severe heart disease, setting state and world records.
Martin was a high school teacher, administrator and winning football coach. He was inducted in these Halls of Fame: WABDL Weightlifting, Arcanum HS and Preble Co. Athletic.
Martin was in the Cradle of Coaches of Miami University (Ohio). He learned football coaching first from Woody Hayes (Ohio State) as a student there and from “Bo” Schembechler when he transferred to M.U. and married Karen.
He treasured his wife Karen (Clark) as they were married 56 years. He wrote: “Above all, know that the best part of my life has been my family: Karen, Stephanie, Jackson, and Leah Jane. Better not forget Mike and the dogs. I love you all very much. Please don’t be sad. From the movie Gladiator: ‘Death smiles at us all; all you can do is smile back.’ I’ve been doing that a long time…”
Eaton, Ohio, then Richmond, Indiana were their homes until Bonita Springs, Florida. There the Fitness Center and Sawgrass Point, both in of Pelican Landing, became for them a true caring community of dear friends and neighbors.
His daughter Stephanie of Northbrook, IL, son-in-law Mike Grabill, and awesome grandchildren Jackson (DePauw) and Leah (Michigan State) enjoyed many Augusts in Epworth Heights in Ludington, MI.
Son of Willard Clate Montgomery and Helen Miller Montgomery; his brother Douglas resides in Eaton. Doug and Martin shared a lifelong passion for harness racing as Marty groomed top race horses on the Grand Circuit before he went to college. Martin’s friends Fulvia Sanchez and Alice Poynter will miss him.
A Celebration of Life will be at the Schoolhouse Winery, north of Eaton, Ohio on July 30, 2022 from 11-1. The Winery is the former red brick schoolhouse that served as a seed house for the Montgomery farm where Martin grew up.
In lieu of flowers, donations can be made in his Memory to the American Heart Association or a charity of your choice.
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