Mildred “Millly” Springfels, New Smyrna Beach FL passed away Wednesday, December 27, 2017. She was born in Schnectady, NY. Milly was the facilities manager for McDonnel Douglas at the Kennedy Space Center during the Apollo Moon Missions. She also spent 15 happy years as one of New Smyrna Beach’s toll booth operators. Milly was an accomplished bowler, receiving numerous awards over the years. She inspired her son and grandchildren to take up the sport, each of who also became very accomplished bowlers. She leaves to cherish her memory her children Jill Tyler, William Springfels, grandchildren Christopher Springfels, Jennifer Nelson, Heather Davis and ten great grandchildren. Donations are requested to or There will be a memorial gathering at Toni & Joe’s on the afternoon of the full moon, January 2, 2018.
Milly at her 85th birthday party at Mountain Lake, NY.
Milly's High School graduation photo.
Milly at one of the many cocktail parties in Cape Canaveral. There probably were a few astronauts sitting around the table.
Milly about age 4. She never missed a chance to be outside.