Nancy Hallman of Ft Myers Florida and previously Ann Arbor Michigan passed away Saturday August 17th, 2019. She was content, and in her sleep transitioned to the peace of eternal life. She was a loving wife, mother, grandma, great grandma, sister and friend. Such a sweet lady will be missed by all.
Nancy was predeceased by her husband of nearly 50 years, Norman. He was the love of her life. She missed and thought of him every day since his passing in 2002. Her catholic faith has sustained her and she truly believed she would see him again.
Nancy was born and raised in Detroit. A graduate of Grosse Pointe High School and the School of Nursing at Harper Hospital. She continued to pursue her education, ultimately becoming a pediatric nurse practitioner. She used her knowledge and sweet disposition to care for the many children in the Ann Arbor pediatric practice where she worked for many years.
A health food advocate before it was trendy, she prepared meals that were both nutritious and delicious. She always had a different recipe to share and this made for exciting culinary experiences for her family and friends.
When Norman and Nancy retired in 1995, it was to the sunshine and warmth of Ft Myers. Since she was always cold, she welcomed the warmth and embraced being a Floridian, although hurricanes were not her favorite events.
Through all the joys and tragedies she experienced over lifetime, Nancy was always content and considered herself lucky to have had such a wonderful and happy life. She continues to teach us now how one’s perspective is so important to a life well lived. She will be missed by all whose life she softly touched.
Nancy leaves behind her three sons: David Hallman; Thomas (Kirie) Hallman; Robert (Dawn) Hallman. She was Grandma Nancy to Kevin, Chad, Chelsea, Tim and Justin Hallman, and Christie (Hallman) Bergljung . She was blessed with 5 great-grandchildren, Olivia, Benjamin, Annabelle, Charlotte and Penelope. She also leaves behind her sister Kay Mogge (Martin).
It was Nancy’s wish to forego a funeral service, although a small private prayer service will be held at a later date, where her ashes will be buried next to her beloved husband, Norman. This event will take place at the St. Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church Memorial Garden in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
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