I think it safe to say that young boys can at times be tiresome and trying on the patience of even the kindest and most calm individuals. Throw in a pair of bb-guns and some bird feeders, and only the truly blessed are left still smiling. Even after Isaac and mistakenly targeted a few of Neale's endeared blue birds, Neale graciously corrected this mistake and never hesitated to continue making time for us. Whether taking us trout fishing, allowing us to drive his tractors, going for a drive through the country to see the fall colors, or just taking us out for lunch on a snow day off of school, Neale always was happy to spend time with Isaac and I. I have many many memories of Neale, but what I hope to carry with me in his memory is the reflection of his attitude; kindness, patience, and a smile are the contagious characters of a blessed and loved man. Thank you Neale for blessing myself, my family, and my gram...you will be on my mind whenever I find myself on a slow drive through the country admiring the fall leaves.
Pap Neale was more like a real grandfather than a stepgrandfather. When he married my Grammy, it was one of the best gifts our family could have received. Not only was our family blessed to have someone who helped complete my Grammy's life, but someone to help fill a void that I felt as a young girl wanting to have another Grandpa to hang out with. I remember spending the night over at Gram and Pap's house, playing hide and seek in the orchard until it was time to come in for dinner. Pap Neale helped when my Grammy passed, I remember sitting next to him at the funeral, holding his hand just wishing that this would all go away. But being so appreciative to know that I was holding the hand of a man who loved my Grammy, and was with her to the very end. I miss both Grammy and Pap, but am happy knowing they are together again. To the family that Pap Neale left behind, my thoughts are with you all. He was a great man, well loved, and now well missed.
Ours prayers go out to the family of Neale Olree. God Bless
Dear Jenny & Bill, Doris and Families,
We are sorry to hear of your loss. We pray for comfort in sorrowful times as this.
Sincerely, Frank & Eleanor
My deepest sympathy on the passing of Neale. My thoughts and prays are with all of you.
This is to all the wonderful family Neale has left behind. He will never be forgotten up here in Unityville, Pa. by all his close friends. We were like family to Neale. I sure have spent alot of time at the Country View Restaurant with Neale and always enjoyed being with him. I know I am sure going to miss him. He was one of the nicest persons anyone could have ever met. So here's wishing all of the family that Neale has left behind a quick and joyeous recovery from his absence. I am sure he is in good hands now and May God be with the rest of you. I am sure wishing all of you my Deepest Sympathy at this time.
Neale, Doris & Family - We go back many years to when we lived in your rental house at Kemah Lake. Please accept our deepest sympathy on the passing of Neale, Sr. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
We are sorry to hear of your loss. We pray for comfort in sorrowful times as this.
Sincerely, Frank & Eleanor