Patricia D. Hitt (January 13, 1957 - December 19, 2012)

In loving memory of
Patricia D. Hitt
  • January 13, 1957
  • -
  • December 19, 2012

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  1. Yukitoshi says:
    09 Jan 2013
    I knew Mark from the bowling ceetnr. Mark was a pretty quiet man, but once you got to know him, he was a good friend. We did not always see eye to eye on the lanes, but competitors rarely do. He was always good for a story when I would see him in the store where I worked. I lost touch with him over the past few years, but he was not far from my thoughts, especially when remembering the trip to Myrtle Beach we took many many years ago. We had too much fun. My deepest sympathy goes out the the ones who loved him family, friends, and others. Rest in peace my friend.

  2. Tom and Patsy Barnes says:
    30 Dec 2012
    We offer our condolences to Patty's siblings and family. From our days at Lyman we remember Patty with much affection and fond memories.
    Tom and Patsy Barnes.

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