Patricia Jean Dys, 78, of Ft. Myers, Florida, entered her eternal rest on September 2, 2023.
Patricia Jean Moes was born in Milaca, Minnesota, to the Rev. John and Elaine Moes on July 16, 1945. She attended Grand Valley State College in Grand Rapids, Michigan, and became its first graduate in 1967. She met her husband Peter Dys in the North Blenden Christian Reformed Church. The two were married in Grand Rapids, Michigan, shortly after her graduation.
Pat made tangible her love for her family and dedication to their well-being through her faithful stewardship of her extensive skills as a wife and homemaker. She discipled, fed, and loved her three children, sewing their clothes, attending their school activities and events, settling them in their college dorm rooms, and offering encouragement and support all along the way. After the children were married, Pat continued to care for them and their spouses, traveling the nation to assist in relocations, build furniture, remodel houses, and welcome new grandchildren. All the while, her Florida home shared with Peter remained a place of joyous family gatherings and holiday celebrations.
Growing up in a pastor’s family, Pat’s dedication to the Body of Christ continued from childhood through her adult years. She used her teaching gifts as a Sunday School teacher and AWANA leader. She also contributed her decorating skills to many church events, weddings, conferences, and banquets. From her childhood, Pat used her musical abilities on the piano and organ to encourage others in the worship of God. Pat loved hymns, and over the course of her lifetime, she wrote the words to more than 1,700 hymns and psalms, many of which she shared in daily encouragement emails during some of the most difficult years of her battle with cancer.
Her gifts as a writer reached beyond song-writing. A published author, Pat developed Bible study devotionals for children and families, a four-year Bible curriculum for homeschool students, and an overview of the Westminster Shorter Catechism for young people. She shared her love for God’s Word and the wisdom found in it as she daily offered love, friendship, encouragement, and advice to all who needed her care. Those who received her quiet, one-on-one care are too numerous to mention, but were on her heart and in her prayers until the last.
Pat is preceded in death by her mother, Elaine Moes, but is survived by her father, Rev. John Moes, her husband Peter, her three children and their spouses: Amy (Kevin) Torrans and their children Hannah (Lucas) Southerland, Madelyn, and Jackson; Lori (Mike) Hogsed and their sons Mark, Daniel, Caleb, Samuel, and Luke; and Jeremy (Jennie) Dys, and their sons Johnathan, Joshua, Joseph, and Judah. She is also survived by her siblings Garry (Karlinda) Moes, Phil (Becky) Moes, Gloria (Jack) Oostema, Paul (Phyllis) Moes, and Rachel (Paul) Larson.
The family welcomes those who knew and wish to remember Pat Dys to a memorial service to be held on September 16, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. at The Village Church at Shell Point (15100 Shell Point Boulevard, Ft. Myers, FL 33908).
15100 Shell Point Blvd., Fort Myers FL 33908
1589 Colonial BlvdFort Myers, Fort Myers
1:30 AM - 2:00 AM
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