Patsy Ann (Kelly) Nally, 81, of Cape Coral, Florida, gently passed away surrounded by her loved ones on December 29, 2022.
Pat was born in Long Island, New York on April 17, 1941. She grew up in Placentia, California, where she graduated Placentia High School. She attended the (then) College of the Pacific and was an extra in the film High Time with Bing Crosby (1960) when it was filmed on her campus. She obtained her nursing degree from Palm Beach Junior College and began her career and passion for orthopedic nursing. She was a charter member of National Association of Orthopedic Nursing (NAON) and was National Vice President as well as serving on various committees, conducting educational workshops, and being published in the journal Orthopedic Nursing. She was a part of the first certified orthopedic nurses (ONC) and had been a Clare Donahue award recipient.
She enjoyed handcrafts, be it sewing, quilting, knitting or crocheting but she loved ringing hand bells. She began ringing in 1971 and that love led her through the years to ringing not only with her church choirs, but also with community groups. One group, Gold Coast Ringers, appeared with Diane Bish on her Joy of Music program during a European tour.
She married William L. (Larry) Nally in Barrington, Illinois, and had 2 children.
Preceded in death by her parents, Edgar J. and Elizabeth Kelly, her husband Larry, and son William L. (Bill) and brother Michael Kelly. Her brother, Ted Kelly, followed her in death shortly after her passing.
She is survived by her loving daughter Kelly Sue Carlsson and beloved granddaughters, Katherine Shelby Nally, Madison Nicole Nally, Caithlin Carlsson, and Sophia Carlsson.
Funeral services will be held on January 20th at Faith Presbyterian Church, Cape Coral, with graveside services at Boca Raton Cemetery, Boca Raton, Florida, on January 22nd.
Donations may be made to the NAON foundation (, Faith Presbyterian Church music department (, or Tampa General Hospital foundation to the attention of Mechanical Heart and Transplant department (