Rebecca “Becky” Campbell - Passed away on October 29, 2023

In loving memory of
Rebecca “Becky” Campbell
  • Passed away on October 29, 2023

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Rebecca “Becky” Campbell of Ocala, FL, passed away suddenly on October 29, 2023.

The widow of Hansford “Dick” Campbell is survived by her daughter and son-in-law, Nancy and Ed Watkins of Ocala, FL; many grandchildren and great grandchildren in Florida and Indiana; sisters, Sharon Young and Louella Garamone of Ocala, FL; and brother, Larry Young of Anderson, IN.

A memorial service is to be held on Saturday, November 4, 2023 at Woodlawn Baptist Church in Hawthorne, FL.

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  1. Jeff Baker says:
    02 Nov 2023
    One of my oldest memories of my grandmother was at her wedding. I was to give my grandmother away to her new husband. At such a youthful age, I did not understand this concept. As the time approached, I refused to do so. You see, in my young mind, I would be physically giving my grandmother away to this new man and I absolutely refused to do so. Damn-it, this is my grandmother, and I would not share or even give her to that man. I bawled my eyes out when everyone involved in the wedding made me do this unthinkable act. You see, my grandmother was something incredibly special to me and I loved her beyond measure. Sunday, I got to give her to another man, that man would be GOD himself. Yes, I know, I had no choice in the matter, but no one will change my mind. Fly high my beautiful angel. Hold my little sis tight for me.

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