Rev. Dr. Osmar Otto Lehenbauer
Rev. Dr. Osmar Otto Lehenbauer of Oviedo, Florida, long-time pastor and retired president of the New England District of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS), died Tuesday, June 28, 2022 at AdventHealth Orlando.
Rev. Lehenbauer was born September 2, 1929, in Arroio de Meio, Brazil, South America to Conrad F. Lehenbauer and Magdalena Wallner, who served as missionaries there. Osmar had 8 siblings – Victor, Ruth, Herman, Bruno, Edna, Paul, Arno, and Sylvio. The family moved to Nokomis, IL in 1930, where his father became pastor of St. Paul Lutheran Church. Osmar graduated from Concordia Seminary, Springfield, IL in 1954 and completed post-graduate work at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO. He faithfully served Lutheran congregations in Fort Wayne, IN (Concordia Lutheran), St. Louis, MO (Historic Trinity, Soulard), Chicago Heights, IL (St. Paul), and Bristol, CT (Immanuel). In 1991 he was elected President of the New England District until he retired on August 31, 1997. During his tenure he was awarded an Honorary Doctor of Laws degree by Concordia College, Bronxville, NY.
On February 12, 1955, Rev. Lehenbauer was united in marriage with Shirlee Rieck of Peoria, IL. God blessed them with 4 children, Rebecca (Mrs. Robert) Boyd, now living in Lakeland FL, Rev. Dr. Joel (Hope) now of Union, MO, Dr. Daniel (Heidi) of Lemont, IL, and Eric (Michelle) of Prospect, KY. These children and spouses have given him 12 grandchildren and 7 great-grandchildren. Two years after the Lord took Shirlee to heaven in 1994, God brought together Osmar and Katherine Nobis Young (widow of Pastor Douglas Young) in 1996. Katherine brought to their marriage her children, Dr. Brenton Young of Palo Alto, CA, and Monica von Steinman (Rev. Richard) of Sterling, CO and their 3 daughters. Rev. Lehenbauer was preceded in death by his parents and all of his siblings. He is survived by his loving wife Katherine.
Rev. Lehenbauer was very humbled and thankful to have been placed into the Lehenbauer family and its heritage of so many Lutheran missionaries, pastors, and teachers. He gave God all the glory for the blessings he received, and relied on God’s faithful promises during his trials. Osmar gathered many loving friends in each place he served and lived, and was known for sharing his great sense of humor. Most of all, his faith and friendship left a lasting impact on many, and he allowed God to use him to further the kingdom of believers. He would have us join him in giving all thanks and praise to God for unimagined blessings of family and friends, myriad and undeserved opportunities for service to His Lord and Savior, and experiences which have both humbled him and joyfully surprised him.
Rev. Lehenbauer’s memorial service will take place at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church in Oviedo, FL on Saturday, July 9 at 11:00 A.M. Memorials may be given to the Concordia Seminary “Lehenbauer Foundation” which assists pastors-in-training (Concordia Seminary, 801 Seminary Place, St. Louis, MO; please designate checks to “Lehenbauer Scholarship Endowment Fund”) or Barnabas Aid, an organization that brings hope and help to suffering Christians (send checks payable to Barnabas Aid, 80 Abbeyville Rd, Lancaster, PA 17603-4728).
Graveside arrangements were made with Baldwin Funeral Home.
Mark, Marjann and Cheryl Moehring
New Braunfels, Texas