Rhonda Ann DeCandia, born March 10th, 1966, passed away Saturday, the 18th of September 2021 at 9 pm, after a long battle with an autoimmune disease and an unspecified blood disorder, among other chronic illnesses. Sadly, this conflict would come to a crescendo as she fell ill with COVID which would ultimately lead to her passing.
Rhonda was born in Belleville, New Jersey to Ronald and Camille DeCandia where she spent the first four years of her life. Her family would travel for a few years, and would eventually move to Homestead, Florida from Bricktown, New Jersey. Rhonda spent many of her younger years in Florida, even surviving a record-breaking category five hurricane that would ravage the coast. After the storm she would give birth to her first child (Nicholas), despite being told she would never be able to conceive. In time she would marry Nicholas John DeCandia and move to New Mexico. There she would have her second child (Serena) and foster her art store (Rhonda’s Creative Crafting Center) as well as build a strong circle of lifelong friends. She would later come home to Florida in 2009 when her heath turned for the worse but would live another happy 12 years before her passing.
Rhonda was not only the mother of Nicholas Michael and Serena Nicole DeCandia, as well as the grandmother of Vincent Rose DeCandia, but she was also a daughter, a loving friend and filled a motherly roll for many. Rhonda was a passionate teacher and advocate of the arts and sciences, as well as tireless worker. She was a woman who was accepting of others and was ready to invoke one’s creativities and uniqueness. Rhonda was always excited to learn, but was even more prepared to share her knowledge with all, whether it was of art, history, science, or just about anything, did not matter.
She is eternally loved and greatly missed.
1350 E Burleigh Blvd, Tavares, FL 32778
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Dominique and Aunt Rhonda