Dear family and friends. As you know my mother Sofia passed away on September 23, 2021. We have made funeral arrangements for October 1, 2021. Given the pandemic, this will be a private burial service at the cemetery, as we feel we have a responsibility to each other and to the community to keep healthy and safe. In lieu of flowers or other symbolic gestures, Mom would have preferred that you consider giving a donation to Covenant House. She was not much for the trappings of material things and tradition, but she was devoted to doing her best to help those in need.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to the end of the pandemic when family and friends can finally get together.
Angel Miguel Bello-Billini and Family
Un fuerte abrazo a Ángel y a su familia!
Descansa en paz.
Hasta siempre.
Hasta siempre!
Siempre recordaré con cariño todas nuestras conversaciones cuando venía a la oficina. Que en paz descanse. Cuidaremos mucho de Ángel y su familia. Rogándole al todopoderoso que los llene de amor y paz.
Gracias por su amistad y sonrisa. QUE EN PAZ DESCANSE.
Recuerde que Angel esta’ a nuestro lado. Le prometo que le cocinaré arroz blanco y con con.
Josie y Fredo