Terry Chateau - Passed away on May 20, 2019

In loving memory of
Terry Chateau
  • Passed away on May 20, 2019

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Terry William Chateau of Deltona, FL passed away peacefully at his home on Monday May 20th, 2019. He had a genuine excitement for life and all of the beauties nature had to offer. Terry was born in Jamestown, NY near lake Chautauqua. As a child he split his time between Erie, PA and on the Iroquois reservation in NY. Often he would fondly tell stories of the time he spent growing up on the farm and the reservation. Terry enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps in May 1964 and was trained as an aviation electrician and pilot. He often joked that Uncle Sam gave him an 18 month all expenses paid trip to Southeast Asia. While in Vietnam he was a part of Marine Air Wing and flew helicopter missions for Air America. He would often laugh and say he survived Vietnam solely because he was a devout coward. After his military service, Terry went on to explore many other adventures in life including being at Woodstock, DJing a radio station in Wyoming, nursing, and so much more. He attended the University of Utah as well as BYU and was educated as an electrical design engineer. He was a member of Landmark Masonic Lodge and a member of the Grotto. Terry loved all sorts of outdoor activities such as camping, fishing, hiking, swimming, and much more. He had a very soft spot in his heart for animals and above all he loved his family more than anything in the world. He was preceded in death by his daughter, Kimberly Orr and his wife of nearly 39 years, Mary Chateau (Tiffany). He is survived by his sons Thomas Chateau, Trevor Chateau and spouse Christine (Main), Tyson Chateau, Troy Chateau and spouse Heather (Smith), and his grandchildren Raymond Green, Aiden Chateau, and Brock Chateau. Terry was above all most proud of his grandchildren and loved them with all his heart. He will be greatly missed by all, but has left many great memories and will never be forgotten. 

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  1. d says:
    11 Nov 2024
    I am sorry for his family's loss and pray with everything I have that his kids will do the right thing and take a stand for that which is worth taking a stand for. Terry always if you take the wrong road it's "all about politics" That said enough.

  2. Kathie says:
    28 May 2019
    To all the Chateau boys and spouses.
    So sorry for your loss.
    How joyous the reunion must have been!
    May the love of family and friends help you through this.
    Cherish the good memories to help you through.
    I love you all.

  3. Kay Aldridge says:
    27 May 2019
    Sending my deepest sympathy to the entire Chateau family. May God comfort your hearts as only HE can.

  4. Valerie and Brian Forbes lit a candle:
    25 May 2019
    Lit since May 25, 2019 at 5:34:53 AM

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