William C Thieman (August 01, 1943 - December 31, 2015)

In loving memory of
William C Thieman
  • August 01, 1943
  • -
  • December 31, 2015

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William C. Thieman, 72, passed away on December 31, 2015 in New Smyrna Beach, FL.  He is survived by his wife Janet, daughter Dawn Thieman and her husband Robert Queen, son Brian and his wife Michelle. Bill is also survived by three stepchildren and their spouses. Bill had 12 grandchildren and one great granddaughter.

The family will receive friends on Tuesday, January 5 from 1 to 3 PM at Baldwin Brothers Heritage Place 1 North Causeway New Smyrna Beach FL.

In lieu of flowers donations are requested to Heroes, Inc. (on-line at:  http://heroes.org/donate-now/ or by mail to 1200 29th Street N.W., Washington, D.C. 20007) or the Wounded Warrior Project (on-line:  http://woundedwarriorproject.org).


Baldwin Brothers Heritage Plac

Date & Time:
January 1, 1970 at 12:00 AM

Arlington National Cemetery

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  1. Kurt Sanger says:
    18 Jan 2016
    To the Thieman Family:

    I did not know Mr. Thieman, I read of his passing in the Washington Post. I wanted to extend my condolences and appreciation for his service as a Marine and police officer, along with thanks to his family members ... undoubtedly you shared in his sacrifices. The example he set helped create the standards we live by today.

    My best wishes to you in his memory.
    Kurt Sanger
    Lieutenant Colonel, USMC

  2. Donald Freitag says:
    05 Jan 2016
    I was sad to hear of Bill's passing. He was my boss at Rockville SAT and a great guy to work for. I remember the laughs during roll call, the bad guys we locked up and the support from Bill who was out there with us and he hosted great Super bowl parties. My prayers go out to his family.

  3. Phil Armstrong says:
    04 Jan 2016
    Bill and I became friends when he worked patrol in Bethesda and I was a rookie prosecutor. He was already on the rise in the Department then. We remained friends for his entire career. I always looked up to Bill as the best example one could find of a good detective. He was smart, dedicated, insightful and scrupulously honest. I have fond memories of us sitting at the kitchen table on Pooks Hill Road laughing and arguing over breakfast. I know his marriage to Janet was wonderful for them both. He will be missed by many who knew him and loved him.

  4. mrose548@ymail.com says:
    04 Jan 2016
    I am so very sorry for your loss. I will treasure the memory of my last chat with Bill. He asked, "How are you doing, Mary." I felt that he truly cared.

  5. Michael R. Turner says:
    04 Jan 2016
    I am deeply saddened to hear of Bill's passing. He was a true example of the best of the U.S. Marine cadre and a non-nonsense police officer and supervisor. I worked with, and for, Bill for many years in homicide and I always appreciated his distain for administrative politics and his unswerving devotion to "his people". In murder investigation we were always "under the gun" and scrutinized by the higher up's. Bill consistently kept us insulated from their prying questions and snooping, so we could be allowed to do our work and concentrate on the case. When you were wrong, he let you know on no uncertain terms; when you were right, he defended you at whatever cost. One could ask for no more in a supervisor. When our son was killed while serving in the U.S. Army in 1994, he was there for me and my family, immediately. He was the first person I called. My respect for him has never waned over the years of my retirement and he will always occupy a special place in my heart, and my family's. He was a good former Marine and a stellar Cop! My sympathies are with all who knew and loved him.

  6. Alexis Reed lit a candle:
    03 Jan 2016
    Lit since January 3, 2016 at 1:47:32 PM

  7. Charlene J Queen says:
    03 Jan 2016
    My thoughts are with you at this time and I am very sorry to hear. I am here when you need to talk. Char

  8. Walt Lippert says:
    02 Jan 2016
    There will never be another like Bill. He was truly a good friend that I will miss the conversations and his laugh. This man was as strong as anyone I have ever known .

    Janet ,Dawn and Brian, We express our sympathy.

    Janet let us know if we can do anything for you.

    Paula and Walt Lippert

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