Use Your Orlando Funeral Home to Create a Unique Memorial
Whether you prefer a traditional service or a more light-hearted one, it is important that a funeral depict the individual nature of our deceased loved ones. A meaningful service will highlight the chief attributes of a person’s life and achievements, but finding the right way to express this can be difficult. Here are a few suggestions on making a funeral special and endearing.
Choose a Theme
While preparing for any memorial service, the director of your chosen funeral home in Orlando will want to know a few key facts about the deceased in order to create a personalized service. If you build off the key characteristics that made this person special to you and your loved ones, you can create an atmosphere that properly reflects their most meaningful life and accomplishments.
Use a theme as an opportunity to display all the favorite items and memorabilia special to your lost loved one. You can display favorite clothes, books, and collections that were cherished during that person’s life. If there are any favorite snacks or candy, hand them out to guests at the service in their honor or raise a toast with that person’s favorite drink.
Create a Slideshow
Share photographs in an endearing way to allow guests the opportunity to truly visualize the life of the deceased. Most Orlando funeral homes will offer projectors and other necessary tools to host a meaningful sharing of memories, but fell free to think outside the box. You can custom build a floral wreath decorated with pictures or attach the pictures to candles, figures, or balloons.
Send Everyone Home with Something
Guests will appreciate a token or commemorative keepsake to keep with them following the ceremony. An Orlando funeral home can provide multiple keepsake ideas, or you create meaningful crafts on a very reasonable budget. Photo pins, cards, charms, and memorial candles are excellent ways of bringing a little physical memory to take home. Incorporate your theme into these gifts, so each one will be a personalized reminder.
Create a Memory Tree
Create a simple display where guests can write encouraging messages or special memories and hang them on a memory tree. The same can be done with a glass container for stones, silk flower petals, or any item small token that fits your chosen theme. At the end, you will have a physical reminder of everyone’s love and well wishes that the family can keep or leave at the grave.
Create a Sky Show
Releasing doves is a breathtakingly beautiful tradition that exemplifies dignity, honor, and hope. Dove releases are a popular memorial display across the country, and the same effect can be achieved in many ways. You can also release butterflies, balloons, or paper lanterns. If your service is by the water, you can do the same with boats, flowers, or floating lanterns. Search online or speak with a professional at a funeral home in Orlando for a list of possible items for a memorial release.
Keep an Open Mic
Schedule a time either during the service or following, for guests to speak at an open mic. This will be an opportunity for everyone to come forth and share kind thoughts and memories.