Ariston Pallugna Awitan, Jr., M.D., 91, died on January 30, 2024, in Austin, TX. Born in Misamis
Oriental, Mindanao, Philippines, he was the only son out of nine siblings, with four older and four younger sisters. Strong in his faith until the end, he was surrounded by his children and holding the well-loved rosary given to him by his mother.
He loved music and his life story leans deeply into his favorite song, “I Did it My Way,” by Frank Sinatra. As author of four books all written in the final years of his life including his autobiography, Dr. Awitan’s philosophy was “I was born with nothing and I die with nothing, but in between is the realization that my life is a gift from God, so whatever I become will be used to honor Him, leave a legacy, and help people in need in His kingdom on Earth.”
As a young boy he accompanied his father everywhere, learning the basics of island life:
swimming, fishing, hunting, the value of hard work, the passion of helping neighbors, and self-reliance. He also dreamed of a brighter future. His mother instilled in him deep faith and taught him to pray the rosary daily.
When he was 8-years-old, the seeds of becoming a doctor were planted when his father became ill. In awe of the doctor’s skills In Dr. Awitan’s words, “This started my dream.”
Dr. Awitan’s education ceased temporarily during elementary school due to World War II, when his family was forced to move from the coast to the mountains where they remained for several years, seeking safety from the Japanese soldiers who occupied Mindanao. His family lived off the land and education came from life lessons – building nipa huts – bamboo houses, plowing and farming, hauling water, scaling coconut trees, raising animals, and fishing.
Education, a highly valued attribute, was an unrelenting goal. Following the war he completed high school, graduating top in his class. His father supported his son’s dream to attend college under the condition that he wait to marry until earning his diploma. He attended pre-med classes at the University of San Carlos, in Cebu, and completed his degree at the University of the Philippines in Manila, graduating with his M.D.
Upon graduation he accepted a 5-year residency program at a major hospital in Manila, and was
assigned to orthopedic surgery, where he became chief resident. During his residency, he met and married Josefina Capistrano, with whom he had four children: Ariston III, Cecilia, Edward, and Brian.
Following the birth of his first son, he sought a better life for his children, with a goal to become a board-certified orthopedic surgeon and accepted a position in Lakeville, MA. Now a family of five, they immigrated to the United States on the savings earned from his wife’s optometry practice.
From Lakeville, Dr. Awitan accepted a position in Staten Island, NY, to complete his residency. During this time, his fourth child, Brian was born. Upon completing his residence, he accepted an offer to join a colleague’s private practice in Pasadena, TX in 1973, and ran his surgical practice there for more than 30 years.
In 1980 he observed Dr. Lanny L. Johnson from Lansing, MI, perform arthroscopic surgery. Johnson was a pioneer of the procedure. Soon afterwards, Dr. Awitan introduced this ground-breaking procedure to other orthopedic surgeons.
From 1983-1985, he enrolled in the Army Reserves as an officer, in his words “as a way to give back to the US for blessings he and his family received.” Achievements he was most proud of, other than family, and career, included earning his first degree black belts while in his early 60’s in both TaeKwon Do, and in Kali-Silat, the Philippine stick-fighting martial arts, and becoming an author.
During his career he was a member of: American College of Surgeons, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, American Medical Association, Texas Orthopedic Association, Houston Orthopedic Society, Harris County Medical Society, Knights of Columbus, and Texas Medical Association. He worked as an orthopedic physician until his full retirement in 2013.
He lived into the meaning of his name Ariston: ’the best,’ and was philanthropic with his both time and talents to the wider communities in which he served. Always with a kind smile and positive attitude, Dr. Awitan was inventive and a life-long learner. A determined and charismatic man who played the ukulele and guitar, he maintained his sense of humor until his last days.
According to his autobiography, at the peak of his career, “he achieved financial freedom, but did not have time freedom.” His chosen schedule left little time to spend with his family, in his words, an implied regret. The move near his children from Florida to Austin in 2021, with the number of “I love you’s” spoken and more frequent time together eased the lost years.
Dr. Awitan loved and showed great pride in his family, imparting his philosophy when opportunity arose. In his autobiography he penned “it has always been my desire to write the story of my life, mainly for my children, grandchildren and great grandchildren… I would like them to know how a small boy’s dream became a reality.”
Ariston P. Awitan, Jr. was preceded in death by his parents and sisters. He is survived by his children: Ariston III (Joanne), and sons, Ariston IV and Matthew; Cecilia, and daughter, Jade; Ed, and son Nicholas; Brian, and daughters Ava and Marlena; and great-grandchildren: Celeste, Nico, Marcello, Joseph, and Robert.
He is also survived by many extended family, including the parents of his grandchildren: Dale (Jade), Leah (Ava & Marlena), and Wendy (Nicholas), and the mothers of his great-grandchildren: Trizia and Iris.
Following his marriage to his first wife, Josefina (deceased), he was married three additional times: Donna Wray Frolich, Juliet Ringer (deceased), and Josephine Wheeler Philips (deceased). Additionally he is survived by his step-children: Ray Wheeler; Joel (daughter Maddy), John, and Jennifer (mother Juliet Ringer).
Services will be held on Sunday, February 11, 1:30pm Central Time at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 2128 Barton Hills Drive, Austin, TX, 78704, and will also be live-streamed here:
His most oft-quoted bible verse was 2 Timothy 4:7: “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” And he added: I did my best. In the words of Sinatra, “Let the record show I took all the blows and did it my way.”
The family would like to thank the medical staff at St. David’s Hospital South Austin, Austin Hospice, and the gentle care given by Ariston III and wife Joanne, CC and her daughter Jade, and son Ed, honoring their father/grandfather in the final weeks of his life. Gratitude to extended family and friends who supplied meals and support.
Memorial gifts may be made in Dr. Awitan’s name to the following or a charity of your choice: the Eric Panter Memorial Music Fund at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church (Eric resided in the Philippines for a year on a mission trip).
My father lived his life this way:
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you die, the world cries and you rejoice." — Cherokee proverb
You were missed even before you passed.
You've touched the hearts of all of us here in Palm Coast during your 6 years here
He was spunky
I admired him
I hope to meet him in heaven
Fond memories of his presentations with Shopfreemart.