Frequently Asked Questions About Cremation
Q: Why are cremation services so popular today?
A: People choose cremation services because they are simple and easy to purchase. Our cremation services are more affordable than traditional funerals, and they are popular for environmentally conscious reasons. People also appreciate having a greater variety of choices available to them when they choose cremation services.
Q: Are all cremation services the same? How do I choose one for me?
A: People want to know that the ashes they receive are only those of their loved ones and all of the ashes of their loved ones. With Baldwin Brothers Funeral & Cremation Society’s Security System, you can be certain that they are. Also, we’ll be sure you know all the costs for the complete cremation services you choose before you make the decision.
Q: Does my religion allow cremation services?
A: In most cases, yes. This even includes the Catholic Church. To be certain, contact your pastor or priest to see if cremation services are right for you.
Q: How soon after death can cremation services take place?
A: Florida law requires a mandatory 48-hour waiting period (Florida Statutes § 497.386 (2019).) from the time of death as a minimum waiting period for Central Florida cremation services. In addition to this waiting period, the law requires that the Death Certificate be completed and signed by the certifying physician and approved by the Medical Examiner in whose jurisdiction the death occurred. Although this certification process before performing cremation services does require some time, it also ensures that cremation services are not performed before any questions about the cause of death have been adequately answered.
Q: Must I purchase a casket for cremation services?
A: No. But our low prices include a combustible, rigid, covered container which ensures dignified handling.
Q: Will my loved one need to be embalmed for cremation services?
A: No. But if you choose a Life Celebration, which includes a public viewing of your deceased loved one, embalming may be required.
Q: Is there any special preparation required prior to cremation services?
A: Pacemakers and other medical devices must be removed prior to cremation, so it is also important to notify Baldwin Brothers Funeral & Cremation Society if any of these devices may be present during the cremation services. This is important, as the device may rupture when subjected to high temperature, which can be hazardous to crematory staff and equipment. It is also important to remove all jewelry or other special mementos or they will be destroyed during the cremation process.
Q: How can my family be sure the ashes they receive are mine?
A: Baldwin Brothers Funeral & Cremation Society has created its Security System to ensure correct identification throughout the cremation process. When a member of our staff arrives to bring the person into our care, an initial identification band is attached around the ankle of the deceased. Included in the band are the deceased’s name, the location name, and any additional information required by state law. A second identification band is also attached upon completion of vital information and cremation service authorization. Then, a numbered metal disc is assigned and placed with the body. The metal disc will accompany the body throughout the cremation process and stay with the ashes as they are placed in the temporary container upon the completion of the cremation service.
Q: Is it possible for loved ones to witness the cremation process?
A: Yes, it is possible to witness the placement of the cremation container into the crematory. We must be informed in advance, so a mutually convenient time can be arranged for the cremation service.
Q: Can my Social Security and/or Veterans Benefits be used if I select cremation services?
A: Yes, but there are restrictions and dollar limits that apply to individual circumstances. Your Baldwin Brothers Funeral & Cremation Society Life Celebration Consultant will assist you with more information about service-related details.
Q: What if I want a memorial service?
A: Baldwin Brothers Funeral & Cremation Society of Florida offers three different Life Celebration services, each of which is designed to allow you to create an experience that celebrates the accomplishments of the life lived and focuses the attention of friends and family in a positive uplifting manner. Our Family Planning Guide is available to anyone who requests it, free of charge.
Q: Is scattering my ashes legal?
A: Yes. All states allow for the scattering of ashes. However, state laws prohibit scattering on private property, without the consent of the property owner. Many national and state parks have permit requirements for scattering and limit scattering options, so be sure to obtain permission in advance — Florida is no exception, some specific areas are recommended for this purpose because of their scenic and memorable settings.
For those who choose to scatter ashes at sea, the U.S. government grants general permission to “bury” ashes in or on ocean waters no closer than three miles from land. However, reporting of the scattering to the Regional Administration and other conditions do apply.
Q: What if my family wishes to choose more than one place for the ashes?
A: This practice has become very common as it allows each family member to retain a small portion of the ashes or place them in a location that is meaningful to their relationship with you. A Baldwin Brothers Cremation Society Life Celebration Consultant will assist you in creating this opportunity for your friends and family.
Q: How can I make sure my cremation service wishes will be honored once I’m gone, especially if my family wants something different, like a ground burial?
A: Even though most family members and friends want to do the right thing, you can help tremendously by prearranging your cremation services. This may simply include writing down your wishes and providing copies of them to family and your closest friends or purchasing the exact cremation arrangement you desire. It is also important to have a “Will” or “durable power of attorney for health care” stating your wishes and naming an “agent”.
Q: What if I prearrange with Baldwin Brothers Funeral & Cremation Society and then move from the Florida area?
A: 100% of all your money is placed in trust to ensure that your wishes are carried out. An added benefit is that if you move or for any reason, you may also request a full refund of your money. This benefit is included in our cremation services plan. If for any reason we can’t perform our service, your money is safe and your designated beneficiary will receive it. There is no additional charge for this benefit.
Learn More Today
If you are interested in learning more about our comprehensive cremation services, the friendly and knowledgeable professionals of Baldwin Brothers Funeral & Cremation Society can help you make the arrangements your family needs.
For details specific to our cremation services contact one of our Florida locations.
Proudly serving Winter Park, Ocala, Apopka, New Smyrna Beach, Ormond Beach, Port Orange, The Villages, Tavares, Sarasota, Bradenton, Fort Myers, Ocala - Timber Ridge, Port Charlotte, and Titusville with cremation and funeral services.