Carole Singleton Rowley, a long-time resident of South Daytona, Fl. departed this life on December 2, 2010 in her 97th year. She was born July 1 1914 to William Henry and Carolyn King Singleton of Macon. Ga. She is predeased by three brothers, Roswell King Singleton, William Henry Singleton, Jr and Howard Samuel Singleton of Va. She is survived by two sisters, Martha Singleton Williamson of Bearsville, N. Y , Eugenia Singleton Holliday of New Smyrna, Fl. and her beloved step daughter Valerie Rowley Remsen of Jacksonville, Fl. and many nieces, nephews and cousins and their families. Mrs Rowley took great pride in their accomplishments. Mrs Rowley moved to Florida in 1963 from Washington, D.C. where she was employed as an accountant by building contractors for the Armed Services in WW II. She was also active in Washington D.C. real estate marketing. She was a respected Real Estate Broker in Florida before her retirement. She greatly enjoyed playing word games and cards with family members up to the time of her death. She was gifted in needlework and clothing design creating many splendid pieces her family cherishes. She took a keen interest in genealogy being a descendent of William Henry Singleton who arrived in Virginia in 1635. Mrs Rowley lived her life in the belief tough times never last but tough people do as proven by her 96 years.
"What we leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others" Pericles. Mrs Rowley dearly loved her family and was loved in return.
There will be a memorial service at the discretion of the family to be held in the Azealea garden of her sister, Eugenia in the blooming season of March 2011.
I am very sorry for the death of your dear loved one. Although the pain will seem unbearable at times, please find comfort that there is a day coming when this earth will be filled with happy people and peace will be everywhere and Mrs. Rowley will be there to enjoy it (Psalms 37:10,11,29). My sincere condolences to you.
Maker of yummy, dreamy fudge; I will remember with bliss.
Stitcher extraordinaire with thread, yarn and floss; I will remember a nimble wrist.
Aunt Carole, a tradition in my life; one I will miss.
facing the many challenges life gave you bravely and
victoriously - you survived cancer -and of late broken hips-
You were a survivor all your life as witnessed by your 96
years. You were very talented in many ways and so loved
your family and keeping up with their activities. You were
an excellent business woman always appreciated by your
employers - you were creative leaving behind for your
family to cherish examples of flawless needlework. We all
remember your great delight in playing Scrabble and cards
with us and your love of gardening and beautiful things.
May you rest in peace and with the loveof your family.