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19 May 2012Aww really? It could be the imgaes because I usually post high resolution photos, like on this post, that when you click it, you'd see the actual, larger version.For other posts, though, it should load quickly. All the widgets on my blog have been chosen and organized to minimize loading time. I don't like slow loading pages, too, so it could just be a connection problem on your part 'coz it loads quickly on here. I'm on PLDT dsl.But, thanks for telling me. I'll try to minimize the image sizes so it'll only link to the actual image, not resize the actual and still have the same file size.
21 Oct 2011Thank you for patiently waits for me to grow up. It's not an easy job to be a father of 5 but still, you tried your best to raise us in and provide us what we need. For your untiring effort to mold us and and teach good values which helped us to become what we are now. I love you so much Tatay. I know that it's hard for you to leave your "Bunso". But don't worry, you have thought me to be strong and showed me not to give up, the way that you have not given up on me. I love you Tatay and I always will....
18 Oct 2011I love you Tatay! Thank you for raising us the way you did. You have taught us great values that our family took pride with. Thank you for being a father to Tatyn and I, you let us live a normal life And taught us to be brave no matter what. I will always remember the time when you pick up your pension money then coming home with a bag of tivoli ice cream bars that Tatyn and I loves so much :) You would wait for everyone to sit around the table and make sure we get our food first before you even start eating. I will always remember the selfless acts you have shown us. You and Nanay always believed in us in our lowest moments. You are my hero and thank you for setting a great example to us. Thank you for being our father, thank you for dancing with me on my wedding, thank you for telling me that what I did is wrong and helped me become better, thank you for the countless ice cream bars, thank you for your patience raising 2 teenage girls :), thank you for cooking wonderful meals every Sunday with Nanay, thank you for standing up for us, thank you for our Mom, thank you for all the wonderful and funny memories that I will cherish forever and thank you for the unconditional love. Reagan knows how to say Tatay now :). I love you and Nanay so much. We are who we are because of the foundation you set for us. I miss you so much already. Hug and kiss Nanay for me. Love, "the hard headed one" Kaye :)
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