Dale Hill II - Passed away on December 10, 2023

In loving memory of
Dale Hill II
  • Passed away on December 10, 2023

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Dale B. Hill II passed away this month and he will be missed by many.
Dale has left behind his Wife, Son, Mother, Honorary Father, Step Brothers, Aunt, Niece, Nephews, Cousins.  He is preceeded in death by his Dad, Brother, Grandparents and Aunt.
He enjoyed golfing, woodworking, puzzles, model planes and tanks,   He was facinated  with  WWII history.  He enjoyed working with his hands in a variety of ways.   He enjoyed learning how things worked.  He wasn’t afraid of trying to do anything and at the very least he would attempt to do it.  He found amazing ways to work around his physical disabilities.  He enjoyed being with his family, friends and his dog ( his sidekick).  May he rest in peace!

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  1. Bernadette says:
    03 Jan 2025
    Dale I miss you so much it hurts. Making it through life’s up’s and down’s made us stronger. I’m so lost without you. I know you’re having the best adventures ever as you are home. I love you so much and miss you.

  2. Lora H Price says:
    20 Dec 2023
    Dale, what a treat to connect with you after 45 years! You were always one of the sweetest freshman boys at Werner's American High School in Cuernavaca, Mexico. Our families were adventurous to take their children with them to a foreign country. We all share wonderful memories of our childhood in Cuernavaca. You were taken too young, but I know you are at peace, hanging with Mark.

    God bless you and God bless Bernadette who was your true love and greatest supporter.

  3. Tito posted an image:
    20 Dec 2023
    DB was always there
    DB was always there

  4. Tito posted an image:
    20 Dec 2023
    DB was always present
    DB was always present

  5. Tito posted an image:
    20 Dec 2023
    23rd Birthday on the Farm
    23rd Birthday on the Farm

  6. Tito says:
    20 Dec 2023
    I have childhood memories of first meeting Dale(DB) along with his brother Mark, at a small farm house we moved to in Fenton; it was winter 1986. They were both laughing about reading through a set of written rules their Father had written on a yellow paper legal pad. "keep your hands on the walls, a broken arm will result." My first recollection was their laughter. Dale would come out often to the farm, spend many hours with my brother and I, watching TV, playing Nintendo, outside sledding and playing catch. He was not only family but a friend, a big brother that I never thought about until now. We spent lots of time together growing up. There were always wise crack and lots of laughter among us. He had a wise crack, quick witted sarcasm humor, that still stays with me today. I can still hear his laughter. Just as his Father, he was in influence on me and today some of him carries on in me. I am thankful for having such memories of him in my early and later life that will always be with me. Giving that gift to others to hand down, his influence. He was such a good person.
    Dale, you will be missed. Thank you for being in my life, and giving such memorable childhood memories.

  7. Amy Cosner says:
    19 Dec 2023
    DB was a HUGE part of my life and always took me under his wing probably when he didn't want to, i.e. our excursions with our grandparents and especially when I went to
    Mexico to visit and their school! DB, you are forever in my heart! Hug Mark for me PLEASE! You are both together again XOXO

  8. Marcy Krauss says:
    19 Dec 2023
    Dale and Bernadette shared Thanksgiving with us this year. In my family, it's customary to go around the table and each person talks about what they were grateful for. Dale's comment: I'm grateful for my wife Bernadette.
    Dale's playful side surprised us all! One evening, my husband Steve made cappuccinos for everyone. Dale grabbed the whipped cream, and filled his mouth. The funny faces he was msking with a mouth full of whipped cream were hilarious! We will miss him.

  9. Tim and Lisa Sutherby says:
    18 Dec 2023
    Dale was a great friend! He was a super euchre partner and pool player. Really enjoyed our time together, our talks, helping each other with different projects, and having a beer watching the history channel. I’m really going to miss him. My condolences to Bernadette and family.

  10. Betsy Davenport says:
    18 Dec 2023
    I’ll remember Dale as this really nice mild mannered guy who in the face of his multiple handicaps, Kept moving forward being a loving husband to Bernadette and a wonderful father to his stepson and his family! Even became a grandpa! He was also very talented with his hands producing beautiful woodwork projects and also became a puzzle master! Dale was great guy and will be missed by the entire neighborhood! God Bless & Keep Him!
    Betsy Davenport 12/18/2023

  11. Amanda posted an image:
    18 Dec 2023
    Love you Aunt Bernadette
    Love you Aunt Bernadette

  12. Bridgette Houghton & family says:
    17 Dec 2023
    Love, thoughts and prayers to Aunt Bernadette, Chuck, Lilly and Amie, Dale will be missed.

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