Louise Porter Bowers, 83, of North Fort Myers, passed away September 19, 2019, at Hope Hospice House in Cape Coral, FL. Born April 1, 1936 in Arlington, MA, she was the daughter of Joseph Porter and Helen Conway. Louise worked as a Realtor in the residential real estate market for numerous years prior to retirement.
Louise Virginia Porter’s birth on April Fool’s Day would be the only foolish thing about her. She was brought home from Symmes Arlington Hospital to meet her older sister, Kay. She would be the youngest for just one year, as she and Kay welcomed younger sister Micki home in short order. The three sisters would be joined many years later by a fourth, Joanne.
After graduating from Hyde Park High School, Louise married Norman Hoyt and had, in quick succession (6.25 years) five children: Norman Jr., Virginia Louise, Stephen, Patricia, and Peter. As an Air Force officer family, the clan traveled from points exotic (Morocco and Hawaii) and not-so-much (Massachusetts, Nebraska, and Virginia). Along the way, Louise made lifelong friends with just about everyone she encountered.
After losing Norman, Louise met the love of her life, Reginald Palmer Hough, Jr., in 1983 and enjoyed nearly a decade of happiness before Reggie’s untimely death. During her time with Reggie, the pair of them traveled the world, sold real estate — Louise having become a Realtor in 1976 — and enjoyed life on the Rappahannock in Virginia as well as beach life in Rehoboth Beach, DE.
A few years after Reggie’s passing, Louise met and married J. Raymond Bowers. The two split their time between Arlington, VA and Bethany Beach, DE. In 2002, Louise fell in love with Florida and moved down the street from her sister Micki in Del Tura. Raymond having passed away, Louise spent more of her time with her many close friends, golfing up a storm at Del Tura and other courses around the south. She would want it noted that she made five holes in one on the Del Tura course.
Even being diagnosed with neuroendocrine cancer in March 2017, Louise continued to play golf and (mostly) kept her handicap. She fought valiantly and all who knew what she was going through were amazed at the grace with which she handled her illness and the joy she got from the bonus time she had with her children, sisters, nieces and nephews, and so many countless friends.
Louise is survived by all five children and their partners: Norman (Susan), Virginia (Tom), Stephen (Valentina), Patty (Peter), and Peter (Kathe); eight grandchildren: Terry, David, Kathy, Alexandria, Charlotte, Ryan, Samantha Louise, and Luke; four great-grandchildren; her three sisters; and many wonderful nieces and nephews, including two Florida nieces who helped her tremendously during her illness, Deb and Laura.
All of Louise’s friends and family are invited to a memorial service celebrating her life from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Monday, September 23, at Del Tura Clubhouse.
Trite as it may sound, all of those who knew and loved her are bereft at her departure.
Baldwin Brothers Funeral & Cremation Society, Fort Myers, assisted with arrangements.
This was an authentic one-of-a-kind loving woman. She loved my dad and they were a great pair. Louise was also an emotional anchor for my dad. Whatever came she took it in stride. My memory of how they met? They were both working for the same real estate firm, Better Homes. Dad was a novice. My father was not one to enjoy tedium and he was not hesitant to ask a good looking smart lady for help. So they got to know each other with Lou helping Dad. And they would continue for the incredible years they shared helping each other. It is true that they completed each other with a fullness that we all enjoyed.
As a tandem they were unstoppable. They formed Admiral Reality and went out on their own. Lou was the brains and Dad was the creative person. Louise took care of all the tedium that is real estate and Dad met challenges, solved them and built and leveraged relationships. Many of their first clients were Louise’s military friends. And once they got a client, they received the honor of continual referrals. The first year in business they made the Million Dollar club and exceeded that each year thereafter.
When my dad was diagnosed with squamous cell cancer Louise was his devoted wife and so much more. She was the chauffeur, the nurse, the cheer leader, the constant companion, the reassurance that all that could be done was being done. I witnessed this first hand and was humbly in awe of her. My dad’s entire family owes a great deal to Louise for the peace of mind that Dad received the best possible care in his fight to live a quality life for as long as possible. We have lost a treasured friend and family member. I will hold her in my heart forever.
Norm and Mom )Louise)
I love and miss you mom!!!
Mom an me