Russell Verne Middleton, age 74, of Silver Springs Florida, passed away February 15 after complications from a car accident. Russ was born on February 26 1949 to his parents, Charles and Illean Middleton in Wayland Michigan. Russ was preceded in death by his parents Chuck and Illean, an infant eldest brother Ralph and a younger brother Rick, who was also lost in the accident. Russ was a Vietnam veteran and an active member of the VFW. He enjoyed bowling, softball, scuba diving, boating, archery, trap shooting, traveling, motorcycling, margarita Fridays, and fun in the sun. Russ was always the first to help anyone with any project they had and could fix anything.
Russ is survived by his children, Krista (Dan) Rookus, and Kelly Middleton; 11 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren along with many cousins.
His family will be having a Celebration of Life with his Florida family and friends and his Michigan family and friends.
Such a shocking horrendous incident that has claimed so many fokks and affected thier friends and families.
My heart goes out to you. May they be renembered with affection and love.
Best regards to all of you affected by this sensless act.
Taken much too early.
I only knew you briefly, in the school year 1966-67, and at our 50th High School reunion in 2017. That said, I considered you a good friend, and so did my wife, Diane Simkins whom you, and I, knew in High School as Diane Wolf. Your kindness and charm and your affection were parts of your personality that I will always cherish. Diane always, until her passing, spoke well and highly of you. May you rest in peace!