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12 Apr 2013don't know bama's formula, but beelive its sposed to be something in the hundreds or bushy like's recent rebates. But is that really a tax cut? bama has to put some figures out there like if you make 25k you get 250 back, and if you make 50k you get 750 back or something like that, so i have nothing to admit to but being kept in the dark by bama's campaing about what kind of tax relief a poor guy like me is gonna get. plus at what bracket does he raise capital gains and dividends tax, and what about people who eventually pull out of thier regular ira's and 401 k's assuming they still even exist after the wallstreet boys get thru devouring them. I think if I were bama I would have redone my tax planning quite a bit but mccain's plan won't be any better and its vague too. Aren't these guys supposed to be professionals and have advisors who can help them cook up a solid program? They are as vague as glazed donuts.
12 Apr 2013MBT.I'm sorry, my fault, the one that had the word sh*t un edited.Sometimes I like to just run off the top of my head.The price is soetmimes embarassment and humilty.Anyway, really, think about the hypocrisy that this action speaks to.The party that propells a message of tolerance,diversity and equality is never too slow to discrimnate against those that do not agree with them.I dont think that the majority of Obama supporters are rac*st because they will be voting for a black man, I dont think they're stupid either. My belief is that they are just underexposed to certain scenarios in life that would guide them in different direction.I have never ever heard a black man talking when I hear Obama, my head just doesnt go there.But I'm sick and f*cking tired of being called a rac*st (at other blogs and a few times here) just because I brought up the question as to whether or not the left was taking advantage of minorities by offering loans to a class of people that couldnt afford them. All I was doing was stating the sad fact that the majority of lower income people in America are minorities and how they were targeted by predatory loan practices.Bringing that up alone made me a rac*st ?I have seen example after example of the left injecting race when things go south for them.Without race or abortion they would hardly ever have a position to stand on so its only logical that they will always have to keep race and abortion in play in order to maintain a play on peoples emotions.Democrats will always keep minorities oppressed to a certain limit only so that they can always be used as a bargaining chip for votes.
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